We meet every Sunday at 11.00am. Each service lasts around 1 hour and afterwards we stay to share tea, coffee and biscuits and chat together. Often, we enjoy a shared lunch and sometimes we hold special discussions around interesting and relevant topics.
We love to welcome visitors! At the door you will be greeted by one of our members with a friendly hello and a copy of the Bible. They will direct you to a seat. The service running order is shown on a screen at the front, so you will be able to read the words of the songs etc and the service leader tells everyone when to sit and stand, so you won't feel like you do not know what to do! During the service we sing, read from the bible, pray, share church family news and listen to a talk from the Bible. Once a month we share communion (explain) together and the leader guides us through this.
You are welcome to leave after the service but we encourage you to stay so we can chat and get to know you a bit more over tea, coffee and biscuits.
We love to welcome children and families! Everyone starts the service together and after about 20 minutes, the children leave for their own group activities, where they play games, have lots of fun and learn a little more about Jesus each week. We have a creche and toddlers group, full of fun toys and books, with CRB checked leaders. But don't worry if you want your little one to stay with you at first, whatever makes you comfortable.
There is no special dress code, just come as you are.
You are welcome to join in as much as feels comfortable.
Please contact us here.